Client Functions

Client functions exclusive to the extendedmode framework


For these functions to work you must be using the extendedmode method of importing functions. To do this simply add shared_script '@extendedmode/imports.lua' to your fxmanifest.lua.


ExM.Game.PlayAnim(animDict, animName, upperbodyOnly, duration)

This function is a quick and easy way to play any animation you want without having to request animation dictionaries or specify a heap of parameters.


Argument Data Type Optional Default Value Description
animDict string No - The animation dictionary
animName string No - The animation in the dictionary to play
upperbodyOnly boolean Yes false If you want the animation to only affect the upperbody
duration integer Yes -1 (full animation) Duration in ms you want the animation to run for


ExM.Game.PlayAnim("mini@sprunk", "plyr_buy_drink_pt1", false, 1500)


ExM.Game.CreatePed(pedModel, pedCoords, isNetworked, pedType)

This function is a quick and easy way to create a ped without having to request models or anything, you can choose whether or not to store the ped in a variable or not.


Argument Data Type Optional Default Value Description
pedModel hash No - The model of the ped you want to spawn
pedCoords vector3/4 No - You can use a vector3 or vector4 here, if only using a vector3 the heading will default to 0.0
isNetworked boolean Yes false If you want the ped to be networked or not
pedType integer Yes 4 (PED_TYPE_CIVMALE) The type of ped you want to use. List of Ped Types


local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local ped = ExM.Game.CreatePed(`a_m_m_acult_01`, vec4(, 180.0), true, 27)


ExM.Markers.Add(mType, mPos, red, green, blue, alpha, rangeToShow, bobUpAndDown, mScale, mRot, mDir, faceCamera, textureDict, textureName)

This function is a quick and easy way to create a marker and to draw it appropriately and efficiently without degrading performance


Argument Data Type Optional Default Value Description
mType integer No - The type of marker you want to use List of Marker Types
mPos vector3 No - The position of where the marker is, you must use a vector3 here
red integer No - The red channel of the colour you want the marker (0-255)
green integer No - The green channel of the colour you want the marker (0-255)
blue integer No - The blue channel of the colour you want the marker (0-255)
alpha integer No - The alpha channel of the colour you want the marker (0-255)
rangeToShow integer Yes 50.0 The range at which you want the marker to show
bobUpAndDown boolean Yes false If you want the marker to bob up and down
mScale vector3 Yes vec(1, 1, 1) The size of the marker
mRot vector3 Yes vec(0, 0, 0) The rotation of the marker
mDir vector3 Yes vec(0, 0, 0) The direction of the marker
faceCamera boolean Yes false If you want the marker to face the camera
textureDict string Yes nil A custom texture dictionary if you want your own marker type
textureName string Yes nil The name of the texture in the texture dictionary


-- This would create and store the marker in a variable, this is using custom textures from a Rockstar texture dictionary
local marker = ExM.Markers.Add(1, vec(1224.128, 2710.614, 38.00576), 255, 0, 0, 100, 100.0, false, vec(5, 5, 2), vec(0, 0, 0), vec(0, 0, 0), false, "mpmissmarkers256", "special_vehicle_race_series")

-- Or if you want a more simple circular marker you could do the following which only needs the marker type, pos and rgba values. It will use the default values for everything else
local marker2 = ExM.Markers.Add(1, vec(1224.128, 2710.614, 38.00576), 255, 0, 0, 100)



This function is for removing a marker you previously created with ExM.Markers.Add


Argument Data Type Optional Default Value Description
markerVar integer No - The variable of the marker you want to remove


-- Create the marker
local marker = ExM.Markers.Add(1, vec(1224.128, 2710.614, 38.00576), 255, 0, 0, 100)

-- Remove it later when you don't need it anymore



This function is for checking if you're in a marker you previously created with ExM.Markers.Add


Argument Data Type Optional Default Value Description
markerVar integer No - The variable of the marker you want to check


-- Create the marker
local marker = ExM.Markers.Add(1, vec(1224.128, 2710.614, 38.00576), 255, 0, 0, 100)

-- Check if you're standing in the marker (run this in a loop)
if ExM.Markers.In(marker) then
    -- You're in the marker, do some stuff here